Crypto Payments

Nightmare Stresser supports payments with many coins including, Litecoin LTC , XMR Monero , XRP Ripple , DAI , ETH Ethereum , Tether USD , RVN Ravencoin , DOGE Dogecoin , BTC Bitcoin

Bitcoin Lightning Network Payments

Nightmare Stresser is the first booter / stress testing service that supports BTC Lightning Network! This Allows Instant Lightning fast bitcoin payments without worrying about block confirmation times or payment fees. Security is enforced by blockchain smart-contracts witch allows for exceptionally low fees, all the user needs is a Bitcoin lightning wallet.

Anonymous XMR Monero Payments

NightmareStresser allows for fully anonymous payments with XMR aka Monero witch keeps users 100% anonymous when paying, nightmare will also remove all payment logs from its system monthly and we never keep any attack logs or any user logs so you can always feel safe when using our service!


Support L4 Subnet Floods, Fully Compatible & Filtered

Layer 4 supports the valid subnets: /21, /22, /23, /24, /25, /26, /27, /28, /29, /30, /31, /32

Powerful Methods And Advanced Bypasses

Nightmare Stresser is committed to having the best and most powerful L4 & L7 methods and bypasses available. This means we do regular updates so our team is always giving you not just the best power but also the best bypasses on the public market.

Security / Untraceable Floods

All our scripts use IP spoofing technology. This means your attack's can't ever traced. We also remove logs every 24 HR for increased security so you never have to worry.

Unlimited Daily Floods

Here at NightmareStresser, we DO NOT ever limit your floods, you can send as many daily layer 4 and layer 7 floods as you wish without any limits.

Our Website Supports All Platforms!

Our Website Supports All Platforms Like Mobile Android and iPhones & Tablets, Gaming Consoles. We Also Support The TOR Browser & VPN's, Everything With An Internet Browser Can Run NightmareStresser.

Support For Layer 4 Stress Testing

Our Website Supports IPV4 AKA Layer 4 floods to ip addresses with both TCP and UDP protocols so you can test your layer 4 network!

Layer 7 Stress Testing

Our Website also supports Layer 7 AKA website / http / https floods to both a URL (Example: or a web server not using a url (Example: so you can stress test your website with advanced spam methods that generate 10s of thousands of requests per second or advanced bypasses able to bypass even the most advanced "I am not a robot" and JS verifications / challenges.

Mutiple Payment Systems

Our Website also supports Many crypto coins for payments, while we can not accept paypal or credit card payments for obvious security reasons we have added mutiple coins avaible for payment, we also will not accept any gift cards for payments, witch mean you can not pay with Amazon gift cards or Steam gift cards, no gift cards are accepted.